Fifth Reel Music and Dance
Your source for live music and dance in Grand Junction, Colorado
We are Fifth Reel
Welcome to our website
Let us show you around
Fifth Reel has been playing for traditional dances such as contra dance and English Country Dance, events like Robert Burns celebrations, weddings, parties and St. Patrick's Day celebrations since 1996. The band produced a CD in 1999 under its former name "Blarney Pilgrim."
Consisting of piano, fiddle, clarinet, bodhran and vocals, Fifth Reel plays a variety of music including Irish, Scottish, Gypsy, Klezmer and Jazz.
Please check out the calendar page and put those dates on your personal calendar.
You may notice that we've included more Contras this season as requested by many dancers. Please plan to join us as often as you can!
Our Next Dance
Contra Dance
Saturday, September 14
7:00 ~ New dancer workshop
7:30 ~ Dance
Margery Building
523½ Main Street
Our welcome back dance will feature our most loved form, the Contra Dance. As usual, we have a workshop at 7:00 for new dancers or those wishing to polish their skills, so welcome to new dancers on the dance floor!
The Contra Dance will begin at 7:30 and end around 10:00. We look forward to having everyone back for a new season.
See you then!
Grand Junction Traditional Dance Society
Contra dancing in the Grand Valley of Western Colorado has been in the capable and talented hands of the Grand Junction Traditional Dance Society for twenty-four years. Contra dance has great tradition yet is easy to learn and makes for an invigorating evening.
In recent years we have added English Country Dances and, more recently, International Folk Dances. The response has been overwhelmingly positive and we will continue to offer these new forms of dance to our patrons. As with contra dances, English Country and International Folk dances are both easy to learn and invigorating while offering a new perspective to traditional dance.
As with other community organizations, none of this could happen without local sponsors who provide funds and refreshments for the dances. By all means, read about them on the Sponsors page.
Please check our calendar and set aside those dates for your dancing enjoyment!